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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Trip to the Zoo

Kim's trip to the zoo with her cousins.

Sleeping bear hugging a log.

Little Johnny

Alex is a little intimidated by the goats.

Luke decides it is safer in the stroller.

Feeding the goats is the highlight of the trip.

Donkey, Camel, and tortise.
"I spy with my little eye....."

Animal train...

Zebra posing for the camera.

Getting the kids to hold still was no easy task.
Johnny, James holding Alex, Luke in the background, and Kim.

Shade ftw!

Roger showing the kids how it is done.

Johnny the Giraffe

James the Giraffe

Kim the Giraffe

Luke the Giraffe

Alex the Giraffe

Some sort of rabbit-type animal...

Rodents of unusual size!

Souvenir pennies!


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